David Magney Environmental Consulting

Endangered Species

Endangered Species

Endangered species are those plants and animals that are so rare that they have been formally listed by the federal government as Threatened or Endangered, or designated as candidates for listing, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (ESA).   A number of states also have their own endangered species acts, such as does California.   California has two laws that list species: the California Native Plant Protection Act (NPPA) and the California Endangered Species Act (CESA).   The NPPA provided three rarity ranks for plants, Rare, Threatened, and Endangered; however, no species are being added to the list after enactment of CESA (which happened years ago).   CESA has only two rarity rankings for both plants and animals: Threatened and Endangered.   The Endangered listing represents to most protective listing under both the ESA and CESA.

Basically, these laws prohibit "take" of a species in most situations, and of course, it can be quite complicated, and beyond the scope of this description here to get into.   Regardless, it is important to know if a listed or candidate species is present on or near a project site, and specific types of field surveys are required by the regulatory agencies to determine whether suitable habitat or the species is present, or not, on a site.   Permits are required to survey for many listed species, particularly animal species, because the search for them may result in "take".   Species listed under the ESA are regulated by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service (basically marine species, including Southern Steelhead and Salmon).   If a permit is needed from a federal agencies, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps, that agency will need to consult, formally or informally depending on the situation, regarding potential or known impacts to the species before that federal agency can issue their permit.

Searching for, and analyzing project-related impacts on listed species requires specialized experience and expertise.   DMEC biologists have both experience and expertise with a number of listed wildlife species, including: California Red-legged Frog, Southern Steelhead, Least Bell's Vireo, Desert Tortoise, Tidewater Goby, California Gnatcatcher, Least Tern, Snowy Plover, Swainson's Hawk, Black-footed Ferret, Giant Kangaroo Rat, Tipton's Kangaroo Rat, San Joaquin Kit Fox, San Joaquin Antelope Squirrel, Mohave Ground Squirrel, etc.   DMEC botanists have expertise and experience with many listed plant species, including: Ventura Marsh Milkvetch, Braunton's Milkvetch, Lyon's Pentachaeta, Conejo Buckwheat, Verity's Liveforever, California Jewelflower, Saltmarsh Bird's-beak, Gaviota Tarplant, Chorro Creek Bog Thistle, Camatta Canyon Amole, and Purple Amole, to name just a few.

This page last updated 26 January 2007
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